API List
How can I disconnect from the Internet, using Visual Basic?
How can I detect if there is an active internet connection?
How can I start an internet connection?
Downloading Web Pages with the Winsock Control
How do I find out how much disk space is occupied?
How can I retrieve the path to the Temp directory?
How can I retrieve a disks serial number?
How can I retrieve the path to the Windows directory?
How can I retrieve the path to the Windows System directory?
Retrieving the Short Path Name
How can I find out if a file exists on a disk?
How to Quickly create entire directory structures
Dealing with Null strings in Access database fields
Retrieving Volume Information and checking if a CD is in the drive
Parsing delimited text files
Moving files into the Recycle Bin
How to speed up database access
How to find files using Windows API
Changing Strings to Title Case (updated 03/23/2000)
Using Drag and Drop with files and folders (updated 10/12/2000)
Retrieving the File Attributes
Reversing a String
Reversing a file
Converting Numbers to Words
Decimal to Binary
Search and replace entire string
Logging use of executables in Windows
Create file Associations
Export to any type of database
Using the Date type with an ADO source
Extract Icons From Files
How can I play MIDI- and WAVE-files in Visual Basic?
Recording a CD to a Wave file
How can I open and close the CD-ROM drive?
How can I detect if the system has a sound card?
Playing an AVI File
Application, Graphics, Mouse, Windows System, All Tips
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