Create file Associations
In your applications, you may need to create file associations for your
saved data. File associations allow your program to be run when a file with a
certain extension is double-clicked in explorer. To do this in VB involves a little
bit of registry tinkering. Now, it is not difficult, as I have written this tip
which creates everything that is needed in the registry.
Public Type mnuCommands
Captions As New Collection
Commands As New Collection
End Type Public Type filetype
Commands As mnuCommands
Extension As String
ProperName As String
FullName As String
ContentType As String
IconPath As String
IconIndex As Integer
End Type Public Const REG_SZ = 1
Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Public Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib _
"advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib _
"advapi32" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" (ByVal _
hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String, _
phkResult As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib _
"advapi32" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal _
hKey As Long, ByVal lpszValueName As String, _
ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal fdwType As _
Long, lpbData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Module Code
Add the following code to a
Public Sub CreateExtension(newfiletype As filetype)
Dim IconString As String
Dim Result As Long, Result2 As Long, ResultX As Long
Dim ReturnValue As Long, HKeyX As Long
Dim cmdloop As Integer
IconString = newfiletype.IconPath & "," & _
If Left$(newfiletype.Extension, 1) <> "." Then _
newfiletype.Extension = "." & newfiletype.Extension
ReturnValue = RegSetValueEx(Result, "", 0, REG_SZ, _
ByVal newfiletype.ProperName, _
LenB(StrConv(newfiletype.ProperName, vbFromUnicode)))
' Set up content type
If newfiletype.ContentType <> "" Then
ReturnValue = RegSetValueEx(Result, _
"Content Type", 0, REG_SZ, ByVal _
CStr(newfiletype.ContentType), _
LenB(StrConv(newfiletype.ContentType, vbFromUnicode)))
End If
newfiletype.ProperName, Result
If Not IconString = ",0" Then
RegCreateKey Result, "DefaultIcon", _
Result2 'Create The Key of "ProperName\DefaultIcon"
ReturnValue = RegSetValueEx(Result2, _
"", 0, REG_SZ, ByVal IconString, _
LenB(StrConv(IconString, vbFromUnicode)))
'Set The Default Value for the Key
End If
ReturnValue = RegSetValueEx(Result, _
"", 0, REG_SZ, ByVal newfiletype.FullName, _
LenB(StrConv(newfiletype.FullName, vbFromUnicode)))
RegCreateKey Result, ByVal "Shell", ResultX
' Create neccessary subkeys for each command
For cmdloop = 1 To newfiletype.Commands.Captions.Count
RegCreateKey ResultX, ByVal _
newfiletype.Commands.Captions(cmdloop), Result
RegCreateKey Result, ByVal "Command", Result2
Dim CurrentCommand$
CurrentCommand = newfiletype.Commands.Commands(cmdloop)
ReturnValue = RegSetValueEx(Result2, _
"", 0, REG_SZ, ByVal CurrentCommand$, _
LenB(StrConv(CurrentCommand$, vbFromUnicode)))
RegCloseKey Result
RegCloseKey Result2
RegCloseKey Result2
End Sub
Then use this code to create the
Dim myfiletype As filetype
myfiletype.ProperName = "MyFile"
myfiletype.FullName = "My File Type"
myfiletype.ContentType = "SomeMIMEtype"
myfiletype.Extension = ".MYF"
myfiletype.Commands.Captions.Add "Open"
myfiletype.Commands.Commands.Add _
"c:\windows\notepad.exe ""%1"""
myfiletype.Commands.Captions.Add "Print"
myfiletype.Commands.Commands.Add _
"c:\windows\notepad.exe ""%1"" /P"
CreateExtension myfiletype
The filetype type is pretty
self-explanatory. Extension contains the file type
extension. Proper name is the name of the type, which
you would refer to the type as (do not use spaces).
FullName is the description of the file type.
ContentType is the description that you would see in your
Internet browser, if you were to download a file of this
type. You could think of the extension as the "shortcut
key", the proper name as the "name", and the fullname as the
This Commands part of the filetype
contains the "verbs" for the file type. When you right-click
on a file of this type, you would see these options. Open is
set as the default "verb", so when you double click on the
file type, it executes the command associated with "Open". You
can add others, such as "Print" as needed.
Be careful with registry editing, as it
can have disastrous