Export to any type of database
Everyone tells you how to import, but even most MS-VB techs start coughing when you ask
how to export with DAO!
Use this code to get data out to different formats without requiring a complete copy of
any DBMS on the user machine.
Create a new project with a command button and a DAO3.5 reference, then copy this code
to the button's Click event (snippet assumes the MS sample file biblio.mdb is in the
application path): Dim db as database
Set db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(app.path & "\biblio.mdb")
'commented out syntax followed by working example
'db.execute "SELECT tbl.fields INTO [dbms type;DATABASE=path].[unqualified
'filename] FROM [table or tables]
db.execute "SELECT * INTO [dBase III;DATABASE="C:\My
Documents].[testa] FROM [authors]"
By using
the brackets and dot operator, you get a completely proper
output in the ISAM database type of your choice. Also,
if you choose Text as the database type, the statement creates
a Schema.ini for you automatically, or adds a new section for
your new data file to a Schema.ini already in the path
Now you
can do any kind of export the client wants without using a
DBMS on the machine. This makes your life easier when
you notice that some of your users running Word97 have
problems mail-merging with text files you originally created
with traditional (and slower) Write# and Print#