Opening a
DirectDraw Screen
Adam Hoult
In this
tutorial we will cover the basics on how
to Initialise and open a DirectDraw
screen. For this example we will open a
screen which is 640 pixels wide, 480
pixels high, and uses 16 bit colours. We
will assume you already know how to
create a project in VB, and know a little
about using forms. Now onto the tutorial.
NOTE: This tutorial is designed for those
of you with VB5. If you find any
discrepancies with this Tutorial, please mail me and I will
correct it.
1 - Creating the Project
First you need to create a
project in the usual way. This project
must be a Standard Executable. Once the
form has been generated, you will need to
ammend the following properties.
Name = frmMain (Must be this
otherwise the example wont work)
BorderStyle = 1 - Fixed Single (This is so we
cannot resize the form at runtime)
Caption = [BLANK] (This
field must be cleared, we need to remove
the title bar.)
ClipControl = False (Remove the
control boxes)
ControlBox = False (Remove the
control boxes)
You may
also want to set the BackColor property
to Black, this is not essential.
Step 2 -
Adding The Type Library
Add Patrice Scribes' type
library to the project. To do this you
must go to Project/References menus and
hit browse. You should automatically be
put in the Windows System directory. Type
in "DirectX5.TLB" and hit
return. You should then see the Type
Library has been added to the list. Hit
OK, you are now ready to start creating
your project.
Step 3 -
General Declarations and What They Mean
now we have got that out of the way we
can get down to the code. First we will
add the variables we need into the
General Declarations section of the main
form. Here is a list of what variables
you need and an explanation of each
underneath the piece of code.
Dim dd As DirectDraw2 'Main DirectDraw
This is the main
DirectDraw device, which is used to
perform ALL of the DirectDraw operations.
You will see when you are typing this in,
a list of objects will appear. You will
see a few DirectDraw objects. Generally
DirectDraw2 is the best one to use, and
the one we will be using for all of these
' Surfaces
Dim ddsFront As DirectDrawSurface2 ' Primary Surface
Dim ddsBack As DirectDrawSurface2 ' Back Buffer
These are surfaces, areas
of memory which will store either an
Image, or the current frame which is/will
be displayed. Again use
DirectDrawSurface2 as we have defined our
DirectDraw device in this way. In this
example these two surface will act as the
Primary Surface (The current frame being
displayed), and the Back Buffer (The
frame which is being rendered). Doing it
in this manner will eliminate any flicker
or tearing caused if we were rendering
directly to the Primary Surface. Later on
in the tutorials we will show you how to
use surfaces to store images to be
rendered onto the backbuffer.
Dim ddsdFront As DDSURFACEDESC ' Primary surface
Dim ddsdBack As DDSURFACEDESC ' Back Buffer
These variables are know
as Surface Descriptions. These will store
the description of the surface and are
used when you are creating the surface.
You will see later on how these are used
to set what type of surface this is.
Dim ddCaps As DDSCAPS ' Capabilities for
I am not so sure about the
reasoning behond this. As far as I can
work out this variable defines the search
options when attaching a surface to
another. It lets you specify what part of
the surface you are attaching it to. I.e
to the BackBuffer section of the Primary
Dim Running As Boolean ' We are running ?
This variable is used only
to keep the main Rendering Loop going.
Having a rendering loop is far more
efficient than using a timer to render
the display. You will see the use of this
in the later sections.
Step 4 - On
Form Load
so we have set up our variables to store
various things. Now What? Well read on.
If you are a VB proffesional please be
patient, I am writing this tutorial for
beginners, so you may find it a bit
laborious, but I hope it's helping the
newbies :).
NOTE: Although this next
source is split up by my comments, it is
all one piece of code, and is all inside
the Form_Load Sub.
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Create the DirectDraw
DirectDrawCreate ByVal 0&, dd, Nothing
This is where the main
DirectDraw device is created. You need to
pass it the name of the variable you are
using as your DirectDraw device. In this
case we defined out device as dd.
This device will now be created and can
be used throughout the rest of your
program, until you delete it.
' This app is full
screen and will change the display mode
' Set the app to
EXCLUSIVE (removes taskbar, and makes it
dd.SetCooperativeLevel frmMain.hWnd, DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE Or _
' Set the display mode
to 640x480 with 16bit colours
dd.SetDisplayMode 640, 480, 16, 0, 0
Ok we have set the apps
CooperativeLevel. Basically this lets you
define how the screen will be opened. In
this case we are opening a Fullscreen
application. We need to pass it the hWnd
of the parent form. Also we are giving
that window Exclusive rights to the
system. It will be made to be TOPMOST,
which means no other application will be
able to switch on top of it, that
includes the Start Menu. This can be
difficult for debugging purposes. Then we
set the display mode to 640 pixels wide,
480 pixels high and will use 16bit
'This section sets the
description structure
'which needs to be set
so that the CreateSurface
'function knows what
type the surface is.
With ddsdFront
' Structure size
'This is so the
function knows how much
'memory to read.
.dwSize = Len(ddsdFront)
' Use DDSD_CAPS and
' Its a Primary,
flipable surface
' It has One back
.dwBackBufferCount = 1
End With
Right an explanation.
First of all the With
statement is used to specify the object
we are working with. This just saves
typeing ddsdFront
in front of everything. The dwSize
is explained in the comment above it so I
will move onto the dwFlags
property. This property lets you specify
which options are valid in this
description. We have specified, DDSD_CAPS Or DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT,
which basically means that the DDSCAPS and
dwBackBufferCount properties
will be read when the surface is created.
In the DDSCAPS property
we have set a lot of values. Heres an
explanation of them all. DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE
means that this surface is
the Primary Surface. DDSCAPS_FLIP means
that we can flip this surface (basically
flips whats on the back buffer to the
Primary Surface). DDSCAPS_COMPLEX any
means that this surface
will be created in the System Memory as
opposed to Video Memory. We also specify
that we will have one Back Buffer
attatched to this Primary Surface.
' Create front buffer
using the Description
' structure defined
ddsdFront, ddsFront, Nothing
' Set the Search
Options to the Back Buffer
' Object.
' Attach the surface
ddsBack to the
' Primary surface as
the back buffer.
ddCaps, ddsBack
OK, creating the surfaces.
First of all the Primary Surface. We pass
the CreateSurface The
description variable (which we spent ages
defining above), and the actual surface.
This will create the Primary Surface, and
set all of the options which again we
specified in ddsdFront.
Then we create the Back Buffer and
attatch it to Primary Surface, so that
when we flip it (show in later
tutorials). First we assign the search
options, in the ddCaps variable,
so that the GetAttachedSurface
function, knows we are
attatching it as a Back Buffer. Then we
pass this and the Back Buffer surface to
it and whala (could be ouala), you have a
flippable surface.
' Show the form
' Set us running.
Running = True
Do Until Running = False
' Get any key presses
End Sub
Finally we have to show
the form and start the Rendering Loop.
The Rendering loop only consits of a DoEvents at
the minute, because we are not actually
rendering anything yet in this tutorial.
This will continue to loop until we press
escape (which will set Running to
hense ending the loop.
Step 5 -
Did We Press Escape ??
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
'When we press escape,
Stop the rendering loop
'(rendering loop is in
Form_Load) and quit
'out. Check
Form_Unload for Important info
'On quitting out.
If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then
Running = False
Unload Me
End If
End Sub
Basically, every time a
key is pressed, this Sub is called by the
program. We do a quick check to see if
the Key which was pressed was escape. vbKeyEscape is
a Constant defined within VB5, a list of
all the keycodes are shown in the Visual
Basic Help. If we did press escape, we
set the Running to False.
This will end the Rendering Loop started
in the Form_Load event. Then we trigger
the Unload_Form event to exit the
Step 6 - I
Want to Exit, What Now?
Ok now we've established
that the user pressed escape, we have to
exit the program. Earlier we called the
Unload event of the form. You must now
close down the program. NOTE: This is
specific to this program, in application
programming you do not normally have to
set variables to nothing, unless a type
uses obscene amounts of memory. (You can
only use a total of 64k per Module when
specifying types so it isn't that big a
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
'IMPORTANT: You must
set your objects to nothing before you
'Leave or you will
lose memory and stack space
'Flip The Current
Surface to windows
'Restore our old
display mode
'Reset back to normal
dd.SetCooperativeLevel frmMain.hWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL
'Free memory.
'NOTE: You must set
the backbuffer to nothing
'before the primary
surface, otherwise your program
'will crash and you
will lose all the memory
'currently allocated.
Set ddsBack = Nothing
Set ddsFront = Nothing
'Finally reclaim the
memory allocated to the
'DirectDraw device.
This must be done last.
Set dd = Nothing
End Sub
Finally we need to free
all the memory we allocated earlier. If
you dont you will lose memory and stack
space. We do this by setting the
variables to nothing. Generally we only
have to do this with Surfaces and
DirectDraw devices (in this example),
because you cant set the descriptions to
nothing. The rest of the functions called
in this Unload Function are pretty well
explained by the comments.
Step 7 -
Closing Comments
Thats it, it was a long
haul but were through it. You should have
some idea on how to Open a DirectDraw
Device now. Now your ready to carry on to
the other tutorials and Learn EVEN MORE
!! WOW. Thanks for reading. Oh and by the
way. I hope you appreciate the nice
colours and fonts on the bits of code,
took me ages to do that. :)
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