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How to use the Spelling Corrector tool of MS Word within VB?

If you would like to incorporate a Spellings Corrector in your VB app, it would take you quite a long time, this trick shows you in a simple example how to use MS Word´s Spelling Corrector within VB.

Create a new project with one form. Put a CommandButton and a TextBox on it.

Set the following properties of the textbox:
"Height = a couple of lines" Multiline=true ScrollBars=Vertical


Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1 = SpellCheck(Text1)
End Sub

Public Function SpellCheck(ByVal IncorrectText$) As String
Dim Word As Object, retText$ 

On Error Resume Next 

' Create the Object and open Word 
Set Word = CreateObject("Word.Basic") 

' Change the active window to Word, and insert 
' the text from Text1 into Word. 

Word.Insert IncorrectText 

' Runs the Speller Corrector 

' Trim the trailing character from the returned text. 

retText = Word.Selection$()
SpellCheck = Left$(retText, Len(retText) - 1) 

' Close the Document and return to Visual Basic. 

Word.FileClose 2 

'Set the word object to nothing to liberate the
' occupied memory 

Set Word = Nothing 
End Function

I used WordBasic because that way you can also use this tip with older versions of Word aswell.



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