How to implement "What's this?" Help
Under Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51, it is possible to right-click on items and get
the "What's This?" window to appear. To set this up in Visual Basic, you need to
use a pop-up menu.
- Start Visual Basic 4.0 or, if it is
already running, click New Project on the File menu.
- Set the WhatsThisHelp and
WhatsThisButton properties for Form1 to TRUE.
- Add the following code to reference
the Hotspot Editor help file to the Form_Load procedure:Private
Sub Form_Load()
' This should point to the hc directory
'under the VB4 directory
App.HelpFile = "c:\vb\hc\shed.hlp"
End Sub
- Add two menu items to Form1 using the
following as a guide:
Menu Property Value
WhatsThis Caption WhatsThis
WhatsThis Name mnuWhatsThis
WhatsThis Visible False
What's This? Caption What's This?
What's This? Name mnuWhatsThisHelp
- Indent
"What's This?" to make it a sub-menu of WhatsThis by
pressing the right-arrow button on the Menu Editor.
- Add the following code to the General
Declarations section of Form1: Public ThisControl as control
- Add the following code to the
mnuWhatsThisHelp_Click procedure:
Private Sub mnuWhatsThisHelp_Click()
ThisControl.ShowWhatsThis End
- Add a Command Button control to the
form and set the following Properties:WhatsThisHelpID
= 1
HelpContextID = 5
- Add following code to the
Command1_MouseUp event:Private Sub
Command1_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _
X As Single, Y As Single)
If Button = vbRightButton Then
Set ThisControl = Command1
PopupMenu mnuWhatsThis
End If
Set ThisControl = Nothing
End Sub
- Run the application. Right-click on
the Command button and then left-Click on the
"What's This?" popup to bring up
the Help file.
Microsoft Knowledge Base