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How to round a number in Visual Basic to n decimal places

In this example I will show you how to take a decimal number in Visual Basic and round it to a specified number of decimal places. Follow the example below.

  • Start Visual Basic, by selecting it from the start menu.
  • When VB has loaded, a window appears. Click on Standard-EXE which will create form1 by default.
  • On the toolbox to the right of form1 select the command button and drag it to a resonable size on the form.
  • Open up form1's code window by double clicking on the command button.
  • A new window will appear.  Delete everything in that window and type the following:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
    MsgBox Round(12.3265, 2)
End Sub

Function Round(nValue As Double, nDigits As _
Integer) As Double
    Round = Int(nValue * (10 ^ nDigits) + _
    0.5) / (10 ^ nDigits)
End Function

Run the project by pressing F5. When the from has loaded click on the command button and 12.33 is returned.

But Rick Rothstein submitted some easier ways to round a number:

Round = Val(Format(num, "0." & String(dec, "#")))


Round = Format(num, "0" & IIf(dec, ".", "") & String(dec, "#"))

Charles L. Flatt proposed this method:

Here's a further addition for two decimal places, and corrects against floating point errors.  This is very important to calculating financial figures.  Note:  This is for arithmetic, not banker's, rounding.

Private Function RoundA(ByVal num As Currency) As Currency
' If currency datatype isn't used, correct arithmetic rounding isn't achieved
' 1.015 = 1.02, 1.025 = 1.03
  RoundA = Int(num * 100 + 0.5) / 100
End Function

This function could be modified to round up to four decimal places.



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