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Moving between control with the enter key

If you want to have the focus move between the controls on a form when the enter key is pressed, you can with the SendKeys function.  The basis of the tip is to detect when the Enter key is pressed, and then Send the Tab key to the program.

You can detect when the user presses enter from the KeyPress event procedure by checking to see if the KeyAscii parameter is the character code 13. Then you can move the focus to the next control in the TabIndex order with the code:

SendKeys "{tab}"

You can move the focus to the previous control with the code:

SendKeys "+{tab}"

This technique works with most kinds of controls. However, it does not work with command button controls, because command buttons do not receive the KeyPress event when you press enter.


Sub Text1_KeyPress (KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
    SendKeys "{tab}"
    KeyAscii = 0
End If
End Sub



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