You can always use the
FindWindow-function and the
PostMessage-function to find the wanted
application, and then send it a message
that it has to close itself. One
disadvantage: you'll need the exact
caption of this application.
Declare Function FindWindow Lib
"user32" Alias
"FindWindowA" (ByVal
lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName
As String) As Long
Private Declare Function PostMessage Lib
"user32" Alias
"PostMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As
Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As
Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Const WM_CLOSE = &H10
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim winHwnd As Long
Dim RetVal As Long
winHwnd = FindWindow(vbNullString,
If winHwnd <> 0 Then
PostMessage winHwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0&,
MsgBox "The Calculator is not
End If
End Sub