waveInOpen The waveInOpen function opens the given waveform-audio input device for recording. VB4-32,5,6 Declare Function waveInOpen Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "waveInOpen" (lphWaveIn As Long, ByVal uDeviceID As Long, lpFormat As WAVEFORMAT, ByVal dwCallback As Long, ByVal dwInstance As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long |
Operating Systems Supported |
Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later; Requires Windows 95 or later |
· phwi Address filled with a handle identifying the open waveform-audio input device. Use this handle to identify the device when calling other waveform-audio input functions. This parameter can be NULL if WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY is specified for fdwOpen.
· uDeviceID Identifier of the waveform-audio input device to open. It can be either a device identifier or a handle of an open waveform-audio input device.You can use the following flag instead of a device identifier: WAVE_MAPPER The function selects a waveform-audio input device capable of recording in the specified format.
· pwfx Address of a WAVEFORMATEX structure that identifies the desired format for recording waveform-audio data. You can free this structure immediately after waveInOpen returns.
· dwCallback Address of a fixed callback function, an event handle, a handle to a window, or the identifier of a thread to be called during waveform-audio recording to process messages related to the progress of recording. If no callback function is required, this value can be zero. For more information on the callback function, see waveInProc.
· dwCallbackInstance User-instance data passed to the callback mechanism. This parameter is not used with the window callback mechanism.
· fdwOpen Flags for opening the device. The following values are defined: CALLBACK_EVENT The dwCallback parameter is an event handle. CALLBACK_FUNCTION The dwCallback parameter is a callback procedure address. CALLBACK_NULL No callback mechanism. This is the default setting. CALLBACK_THREAD The dwCallback parameter is a thread identifier. CALLBACK_WINDOW The dwCallback parameter is a window handle. WAVE_FORMAT_DIRECT If this flag is specified, the ACM driver does not perform conversions on the audio data. WAVE_FORMAT_QUERY The function queries the device to determine whether it supports the given format, but it does not open the device. WAVE_MAPPED The uDeviceID parameter specifies a waveform-audio device to be mapped to by the wave mapper. |
Returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if successful or an error otherwise. Possible error values include the following. MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED Specified resource is already allocated. MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID Specified device identifier is out of range. MMSYSERR_NODRIVER No device driver is present. MMSYSERR_NOMEM Unable to allocate or lock memory. WAVERR_BADFORMAT Attempted to open with an unsupported waveform-audio format. |