mciSendCommand The mciSendCommand function sends a command message to the specified MCI device. VB4-32,5,6 Declare Function mciSendCommand Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendCommandA" (ByVal wDeviceID As Long, ByVal uMessage As Long, ByVal dwParam1 As Long, ByRef dwParam2 As Any) As Long |
Operating Systems Supported |
Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later; Requires Windows 95 or later |
· IDDevice Device identifier of the MCI device that is to receive the command message. This parameter is not used with the MCI_OPEN command message.
· uMsg Command message. For information about command messages, see Command Messages.
· fdwCommand Flags for the command message.
· dwParam Address of a structure that contains parameters for the command message. |
Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise. The low-order word of the returned doubleword value contains the error return value. If the error is device-specific, the high-order word of the return value is the driver identifier; otherwise, the high-order word is zero. For a list of possible return values, see Constants: MCIERR Return Values.
To retrieve a text description of mciSendCommand return values, pass the return value to the mciGetErrorString function. |