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The TrackPopupMenuEx function displays a shortcut menu at the specified location and tracks the selection of items on the shortcut menu. The shortcut menu can appear anywhere on the screen.

Declare Function TrackPopupMenuEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal HWnd As Long, ByVal lptpm As Any) As Long


Operating Systems Supported
Requires Windows NT 4.0 or later; Requires Windows 95 or later


Parameter Information
· hmenu
[in] Handle to the shortcut menu to be displayed. This handle can be obtained by calling the CreatePopupMenu function to create a new shortcut menu or by calling the GetSubMenu function to retrieve a handle to a submenu associated with an existing menu item.

? fuFlags
[in] Specifies function options.
Use one of the following flags to specify how the function positions the shortcut menu horizontally.
If this flag is set, the function centers the shortcut menu horizontally relative to the coordinate specified by the x parameter.
If this flag is set, the function positions the shortcut menu so that its left side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the x parameter.
Positions the shortcut menu so that its right side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the x parameter.

Use one of the following flags to specify how the function positions the shortcut menu vertically.
If this flag is set, the function positions the shortcut menu so that its bottom side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the y parameter.
If this flag is set, the function positions the shortcut menu so that its top side is aligned with the coordinate specified by the y parameter.
If this flag is set, the function centers the shortcut menu vertically relative to the coordinate specified by the y parameter.

Use the following flags to determine the user selection without having to set up a parent window for the menu.
If this flag is set, the function does not send notification messages when the user clicks on a menu item.
If this flag is set, the function returns the menu item identifier of the user's selection in the return value.

Use one of the following flags to specify which mouse button the shortcut menu tracks.
If this flag is set, the user can select menu items with only the left mouse button.
If this flag is set, the user can select menu items with both the left and right mouse buttons.

Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000/XP: Use any reasonable combination of the following flags to modify the animation of a menu. For example, by selecting a horizontal and a vertical flag you can achieve diagonal animation.
Animates the menu from left to right.
Animates the menu from right to left.
Displays menu without animation.
Animates the menu from bottom to top.
Animates the menu from top to bottom.

For any animation to occur, the SystemParametersInfo function must set SPI_SETMENUANIMATION. Also, all the TPM_*ANIMATION flags, except TPM_NOANIMATION, are ignored if menu fade animation is on, See the SPI_GETMENUFADE flag in SystemParametersInfo.

Windows 98/Me, Windows 2000/XP: Use the TPM_RECURSE flag to display a menu when another menu is already displayed. This is intended to support context menus within a menu.

Use one of the following flags to specify whether to accommodate horizontal or vertical alignment.
If the menu cannot be shown at the specified location without overlapping the excluded rectangle, the system tries to accommodate the requested horizontal alignment before the requested vertical alignment.
If the menu cannot be shown at the specified location without overlapping the excluded rectangle, the system tries to accommodate the requested vertical alignment before the requested horizontal alignment.

The excluded rectangle is a portion of the screen that the menu should not overlap; it is specified by lptpm.

Windows XP: To have text layout from right-to-left, use TPM_LAYOUTRTL. By default, the text layout is left-to-right.

· x
[in] Horizontal location of the shortcut menu, in screen coordinates.

· y
[in] Vertical location of the shortcut menu, in screen coordinates.

· hwnd
[in] Handle to the window that owns the shortcut menu. This window receives all messages from the menu. The window does not receive a WM_COMMAND message from the menu until the function returns.
If you specify TPM_NONOTIFY in the fuFlags parameter, the function does not send messages to the window identified by hwnd. However, you still have to pass a window handle in hwnd. It can be any window handle from your application.

· lptpm
[in] Pointer to a TPMPARAMS structure that specifies an area of the screen the menu should not overlap. This parameter can be NULL.

Return Values
If you specify TPM_RETURNCMD in the fuFlags parameter, the return value is the menu-item identifier of the item that the user selected. If the user cancels the menu without making a selection, or if an error occurs, then the return value is zero.

If you do not specify TPM_RETURNCMD in the fuFlags parameter, the return value is nonzero if the function succeeds and zero if it fails. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


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